By Saif AlSuwaidi
The major consequences of the transition from physical to online learning are its impact on student’s health (both physical and mental). Also sleep habits of student’s (those who are in different time zones) are greatly affected. Matthew Walker, a sleep scientist at Google and professor at University of California explained this in detail in his research article “The sleep-deprived human brain”. Students at the American university in the Emirates are also facing the same issues.
If you are a student of AUE, who is currently taking online classes and is supposed to take online exams due to the global covid-19 pandemic than this article is for you.
Online learning calls for a greater amount of motivation and self-discipline than a classroom based one on one learning. A classroom has one or more instructor and peers, who can hold a student accountable for course-work. In contrast online courses involve setting own goals, tracking progress and meeting deadlines. One cannot learn effectively in isolation.
Effect on mental health: Online learning takes a great toll on mental health of students; virtual classes may worsen existing mental health problems while for others it may trigger new changes in mental health and mood. Many studies have shown that face to face interaction helps reduce depression and anxiety. However, for some students studying in the comfort of their home might offer feelings of safety and reassurance.
Virtual learning fatigue: Constantly looking on a screen for many hours’ triggers exhaustion and posture also matters a lot. Without facial expressions and eye contact our brain finds it difficult to interpret the information.
Schedule flexibility: For some students online learning offers flexibility as they can study at any time wearing and doing whatever they are comfortable in. Also many schools/ universities have proper schedule like on campus classes so they cannot experience such flexibility. Although there are some benefits of online learning there are more drawbacks. Negative effects overpower the positive aspects.
Wishing the students of AUE (American university in the Emirates) all the best and good luck for their online exams and classes.
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