By Reem Raed
4TH April, 2021 – A webinar took place in in March 16th as an opportunity to thoroughly describe the meaning of “forgiveness and happiness.”
Dr. Wael Ali, an assistant Professor and Director of counseling and disability is one of the speakers in the webinar that described the essentials of understanding forgiveness and happiness.
Dr. Wael states that elements found in forgiveness and happiness are crucially important to digest and understand in order to fulfill the goal of happiness within ourselves.
He continues to further explain the necessities of forgiveness as he believes that the webinar was highly informative as it ensures ultimate understanding for seeking happiness and being fully aware of the potentials of forgiveness.
Furthermore, Dr. Wael states that the webinar was highly encouraged by students. He further explains that approximately 90% of students in AUE are fully aware by the meaning of forgiveness and happiness as they show true understanding of the full concept.
Dr. Wael also believes there will be more webinars in the future as he sees students interest intrigued during the webinar.
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