Mohammed Saad aljundi is one of the students in the American university in the Emirates, who won an award in the fashion show that occurred in the university in March 2019. He won an award for designing a simple and elegant dress which was liked by many, everyone liked his innovative participation. This fashion show took place in the campus and all the designs shown were made by the students, it was an amazing event as many people from the fashion field were invited from different countries and various types of designs were viewed. Mohammed’s looks were the best out of all in my opinion, the dress he made was classic and elegant which made it worth winning an award. Mohammed Aljundi said “It was the first time for me to participate in the fashion show and I really enjoyed because I learned alot especially how to handle the real life in the media sector. All designs were done by the media students for practice purposes to help them gain practical experience. It was definitely was a good experience for the media students to work practically in the media field.