By Aisha Mama Achimugu
Ahmed Shihadi is a student of CMMC ran for council for the 2020 elections in his senior year and won the position of the treasurer. He has been an active member of the CMMC and has shown great leadership skills to the college of media and mass communication and is loved by the student body and the faculty. Here is a conversation with Ahmed on his role as the treasurer and about himself.
Can you tell me briefly about yourself?
My name is Ahmad Yahya and I am from Palestine. I am a Radio and TV student in college of media and mass communication, and this is my last semester in the AUE.
Who is a leader you admire and why?
Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein the King of Jordan, I believe that he is an exceptional world leader, his charismatic way of leading Jordan inspires me.
What motivated you to run for council?
Since I heard about the AUE Student Council, I wanted to join so I can make a difference for the students, because as a student I always wanted to change things that can help us the students and enhance our journey in the AUE.
How does it feel being a representative of cmmc? Tell us about your role
It is an honour for me to represent the college I am studying in. I am the treasurer in the AUESC, I am responsible for the recording of all financial transactions and to maintain an appropriate accounting system.
What do you plan to achieve/ specific goal you plan to achieve as a member of the council?
I aim to be the voice of my fellow students, to send their thoughts and messages to the university in order to reach an environment where all students can fit in.
What do you think will be your biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge for me is to satisfy all the students, a lot of students come to me with some problems, I work hard on it trying to solve the problem, but some are above my level where I can’t do much about it.
What are your strengths and weaknesses being a treasurer?
The only weakness I face in the AUESC is that I don’t know the other members well. On the other hand, the main strength that we all share that we all are team-players, which really overcome the weakness.
How will you increase the awareness of your position to the student body?
The main key to raise the awareness of my position to the students is by getting in touch with them and getting involved in AUE’s events.
What are the issues of AUE/CMMC students have that need to be addressed?
One main issue that I want to focus on is the production studio in the campus, I believe the cmmc students need some better equipment and space to work in.
What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Calm, connected and modern.
What is the main goal of the student council?
The AUESC aims to build a sense of community and pride amongst AUE students, foster positive relations and strengthen collaboration between the student body, faculty, administration, and the greater community.
What quotes do you live by?
I live by a verse in the holy Quran, “لئن شكرتم لأزيدنكم” which means, when you are grateful, Allah will surely give you more.
Thank you so much for your time